On second thought.

December 26, 2020

I don't know why, but I had this random craving for pizza last night and it certainly did not help that I came across Domino's cheese explosion. 

It's not like I order pizza all the time, but the previous times I did, I pre-ordered it the night before to be delivered at 12 noon the next day and they arrived on time, if not, earlier. 

I had planned to do the same, but my gut instincts told me not to and so, we decided to go try out the newly opened mala stall instead.

First things first, apart from the new look and refrigerator, I think I much prefer the taste of the previous stall. Boo hoo. Bring that back!

Secondly, it was such a relief that I decided not to get pizza today. After reading all the grief people were having over the past few days, phew, I'm glad I didn't. 

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