
February 03, 2014
It's was papa time of the week today, and it's our second week running dining at the market. One good thing about my father - He doesn't mind dining anywhere, as long as there is good food.

The last time we were there, we had prawn noodles. So this week, when he asked me what he should have, I thought I'd recommend him the Indonesian ayam penyet rice as I've seen lots and lots of people queueing. It turned out to be pretty disappointing though. We both have love for salty food, but this was just next level.

He managed to finish it all though. But he did request for another dish, and I told him kuey chup. I guaranteed him that this was the bomb and it was one of my favorite there. And true enough, he enjoyed it.

As for me, I wasn't really hungry, so I just got a herbal chicken with no rice.

Anyway, moral of the story is - It's not where you eat, it's the company you eat with.

I'm really glad that I get to spend some time with my dad.

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