Second day of Chinese new year.

February 09, 2016

For the past few weeks, Fufu has been bugging me to have a visiting session over at my place. He also requested that we'd have steamboat, which wouldn't have been an issue if both Fufu and I had space in our fridge. We would have gone to get some ingredients today, but everything is still pretty much closed so I asked him if my mum could prepare some spaghetti bolognese instead and he agreed. It wouldn't have made much sense to have a steamboat anyway because only Fufu and Hannah could make it. The rest had their own activities planned already.

Well, I would just like to take the time to thank my mother for preparing lunch for my friends and I despite being on holiday.

And here's a group photo.

The main point of today was the mahjong session.

I honestly don't know what it is with me and mahjong. but I really enjoy playing it ! I blame it on my grand-mother. ^w^

So anyways, for dinner today, we headed over to Quentins after hearing everyone raving about it. Well, my mum wanted to go try it out anyways.

Before I share photos of the food, here are some photos of us.

And now, here's what we had for dinner.

It was my first time having Eurasian food and I quite enjoyed it to be fairly honest. I was surprised though when I was flipping through the menu, at how similar their dishes are to Peranakan food.

We also had some desserts to share.

Well, I know most of y'all are at your mates house somewhere out there gambling, so to all my friends, good luck and most of all, enjoy yourselves.

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