Recovering with din tai fung.

February 11, 2016
In case you're wondering, both me and my mum feels better now. We're still feeling a little bit queasy here and there, but we're much better. I just feel really bad for my mum as she is on a holiday and she has to go through crap.

So we haven't eaten anything since dinner on Tuesday. Just didn't feel like it to be honest. But we figured that my grand-mother needed to have dinner and besides it's still Chinese new year.

Din tai fung was our choice of restaurant.

And today, after not having eaten anything for nearly 2 days, had an exceptionally bigger eye then my stomach and ended up ordering way too much. It didn't help that both me and my mum didn't really have any appetite to eat either. We kind of were turned off by the sight of food.

You see what I mean ? Way too much food. Luckily for us, we could doggie bag the leftovers.

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