Saying goodbye is never easy.

February 27, 2016

It felt like just yesterday I was waving the home made banner, welcoming my mum back home and now, in the blink of an eye, 3 weeks have gone by and today my mum leaves for the UK. It really bites being apart from my mum all year round.

So anyways, I brought my mum to have her last hawker breakfast this morning.

The main reason of visiting the market though, was so she could do her last minute shopping. You can get quite a lot of things in the UK, but not everything, if you know what I mean.

After spending all morning and afternoon running around different places, we finally arrived back home and I helped my mum pack. Can you imagine how much things she bought in this 3 weeks and then trying to pack them into 2 suit cases ? Boy, it was a nightmare ! But in the end, we managed to do it successfully.

We went out for an early dinner and I decided that I'd take my mum to boon tong kee. Let me tell you a joke. Every year, the first thing my mum will have for dinner is chicken rice and normally, we'd have chicken rice quite frequently during her stay here. My mum likes her chicken rice accompanied by the chili sauce you see. But for some awkward reason, we didn't have any this year except for today. Poor mama. It's okay, you'll be back in August and we can have chicken rice every single day if you like ! ^w^

Well, here's a photo of us before we left the house. Please excuse my poor dressing as I was way to lazy to change out of the clothes I was wearing whilst helping my mum pack.

Luckily for us, we managed to find the most awesome parking lot ! I think the person left it for us as they knew that my mum was rushed for time.

Well, here comes dinner.

So finally, the most dreadful time of the day arrived. It was time for us to go to the airport. We met up with some of my mother's friends for coffee before she had to go. Usually I'd get all upset and tear up but I guess this time is not too bad as I know that my mum will be coming back again in August !

Here's a group photo.

And before I go to my little corner to mope, here's a koala bear who is going to miss her tree.

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