London 2014 - Day 1.

August 16, 2014

Ever since I booked the tickets to London, I have been dreading the flight there. From all the years of flying to and fro, I know that it's virtually impossible to sleep for more the 2 hours at a time and it is just torturous. But it weren't all that bad this time round !

The flight departed slightly later than the schedule and before we knew it, they were serving dinner. The choices were between spaghetti and beef & rice and since my granny went for the spaghetti, I took the beef ( just in case mine sucks I could change with her ). Hahahaha ! Awesome plan innit ?

So I already knew what movies I was going to watch as the first thing I do when I get on a plane is find out what's on the in-flight entertainment. First up was, New police story 2013 by Jackie Chan. I really wanted to watch it when it first came out, but never got round to doing it ! Next up was Captain American : The winter soldier. Got into 25 minutes of it before my eyes just wouldn't stay open anymore. Now, here comes the amazing part. I slept through all the way till they served breakfast. Now that was a first !

The choice for breakfast was between an omelette or the English breakfast of course I had my ulimate favorite - The English breakfast !

I had really wanted to finish watching 'Captain America', but there wasn't enough time. I then scanned through the list and found that 300 would of ended just in time as we were landing. I was expecting much out of it, but it turned that it weren't too bad to be honest.

And there you have it, my flight summary.

Hello UK !

We arrived safely at Heathrow airport at 520am at the new terminal ( which by the way, I totally dislike ). It's alright for myself, but my poor granny had to go down a million and one escalators, take a shuttle train and go up a million and one escalators again. By the time we got to the main part of the airport, it was sunrise.

The only thing that was running through my mind at the point of time - CIGARETTES. It had been approximately 16 hours since I had my last stick and the only thing I wanted to do was take a puff. I managed to do so whilst waiting for my mum & Uncle Pat to come get us.

It felt good to finally go home again to home sweet home after a year. After all, I have lived in the house for a number of years.

The mission of the day - to stay awake till night fall. 

We headed over to the Tesco's at Gerrad's cross to do some grocery shopping later on in the morning. My mum had to prepare food for tonight's picnic at the Flying proms. It's basically an air show where they showcase the airplanes from the past. She had asked me a few weeks back if we had wanted to go. I was reluctant at first because from my past experience, I realized that I could barely stay awake till 7pm on the day I arrive. But I thought that seeing that we were on holiday, we might as well  just go.

So whilst grocery shopping, I spotted Cola bottles with names printed on them. Apparently, it's a new thing where you can personalize your name on it for £1.99 ! But obviously the ones they had at the supermarket were generic ones.

Here's one that says Mum.

If there's one thing I miss, it's the ready made ravioli / tortelli and sauce from Tesco's. All you have to do is boil the ravioli and heat up the sauce, and voila, it is done !

We left the house just shortly after 3pm and headed over to Alan's which was about a 10 minute drive to Shuttleworth where the flying proms was held. It took us just over an hour to get to Alan's, Needless to mention, I slept through the car ride.

I must say that although the car park was just one hugemongous field, they did an awesome job on organizing the parking spaces.

And here we are !

So we found a perfect spot near the front where the air field was and set up our picnic. My mum had prepared smoked salmon, sweet potato fries and fried vermicelli. We also brought along some crisps. Poppy prepared meringue for dessert, which I clearly forgot to take a photo of. :(

And here's photos of us !

Although it's officially summer time in United Kingdom, it was freezing cold. And here's how we kept my granny warm.

-Her 3/4 sleeves shirt.
-Winter coat.
-Winderbreaker with a hood.

And toward the evening, when the wind was way to strong, we put a brolly behind her as well ! Hahahahaha !

And here's a few photos of the air show ( for the full album, please check out my facebook album ).

I was amused with how much I enjoyed looking at the airplanes. Apparently, we were really lucky to have seen both the BBMF and CWHM Avro Lancasters fly together. Uncle Pat mentioned that it probably won't happen again ! If my memory didn't fail me, I think he mentioned that one of the war plane flew in from Canada where the plane lives now. I'm so chuffed !

So to end the night, there was a fireworks show scheduled to end the flying proms. But there was one problem - they had to wait till it turned dark. Now, during the summer, on most nights, darkness falls at 9pm. Whilst waiting, the National symphony orchestra entertained the guests. By then, I was drifting in and out of sleep. I was next level knackered. Then I woke up to suddenly bursts of loud bangs !

Overall, I really enjoyed my first day back in the UK !

It is now time for my hibernation.

Good night friends,

With love, from the UK.

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