Japanese cuisine day.

February 26, 2018
Both lunch and dinner were my favorite cuisine - Japanese !

Our lunch appo today, was with my late grand-father's side of the family, known as the Wee clan. Usually, it's full attendance, but today, it was just a grand-uncle & grand-aunty. It doesn't matter though, they're my favorite pair !

They took us to the restaurant at The Japanese Association. Boy does that place hold some awesome memories. I spent quite a lot of my teenage years there.

Sadly, quite a number of dishes were unavailable as it is still the Chinese new year period. But it's okay, they have a wide range of dishes in the menu, so we still had delicious food.

Our dinner appo was with my mother's ex-classmates from SJC. I think it's amazing how they still keep in contact with each other after all these years. I should really learn from them. I'm getting to the age where I find that it is important to make an effort to keep those you want in your life.

Quality > Quantity !

So anyways, we went to Ichiban Boshi over at Nex as they all lived around there.

I can't and won't ever get sick of Japanese food. It is and always will be my number one. 

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