
February 17, 2018
Day 2 of the Chinese new year was spent pretty much eating.

Here's what we ate.

But first, #cnyday2ootd

We spent the first half of the day over at Uncle Jimmo's place.

This has got to be the most interesting Christmas tree I've seen in my life.

It has been turned into a Chinese new year tree !

Anyways, here's our feast of a lunch.

Nobody ever said that you had to have Chinese cuisine during the Chinese new year. Teehee.

We left in the later half of the afternoon so that Uncle Pat could have a short rest before heading out to meet Aunty San for dinner.

At about 7ish, we grabbed it to Quentins where we met Aunty San and Aunty Linda for dinner.

Well, here comes the visuals from dinner.

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