HKMX: Lava custard mooncake.

August 17, 2021
September-ish has always been one of my favorite month of the year. 

Do you know why?

Well, because September-ish is mooncake time of the year!

I've always loved mooncake. But, only the traditional lotus paste. I've tried like a few variations such as the snow skin or the flaky pastry, but I've just got no love for it at all. Nothing beats traditional I reckon. 

So, a few years back, my friend got me a box of HKMX (Hong Kong Mei Xin) mooncakes and it instantly became my favorite at the first bite. He got me the lava egg yolk with white lotus mooncake, which is basically the traditional type of mooncake, but instead of a solid piece of egg yolk, this one oozes out when you put it in the microwave for just 10 seconds. It's a taste of heaven!

Well, I tried looking for that this year, but apparently they did not do them. BOO HOO. That's the only one I wanted!

Instead, we came home with a box of lava custard mooncakes.

It was delish, just not what I was looking for. Apart from resembling a mooncake, I felt like I wasn't eating a mooncake. I don't know how to explain it, but I just know that I don't really fancy it. Don't get me wrong though. It was good, just not what I look for in a mooncake as I mentioned earlier.

Well, plenty of chances to get more mooncakes right?

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