Circuit breaker: Day 17.

April 23, 2020
We've been watching the news and it's been depressing af. It's day same thing day in and day out - "Singapore has reach a new high in the number of new cases". Just go away already covid. :(

Moving on, we're constantly racking our brains on a daily basis, thinking of what to have for lunch.

I'd actually be content just having a cycle of Japanese curry rice and tonjiru to be fairly honest, but it's not just me eating. We have to think of my granny too. 

So guess what ? Today was chicken curry day.

Instead of rice or some fancy loaf, we just made do with some gardenia white bread. I actually prefer plain white bread to be honest. Teehee.

I have also just come to realize that I can't take spicy food anymore. :O

Okay, it's Park Seo Joon & Park Hyung Sik time. 

Total cases: 1037 ( 21 in the community ).

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