Circuit breaker: Day 22.

April 28, 2020
My mother is a very easy person to please when it comes to food. She's not fussy in the slightest. She basically is the complete opposite of my father and I. My father and I, we live to eat, whilst my mother eats to live. 

She rarely ever has any cravings, she does however have one favorite dish that she could eat happily eat everyday for the rest of her life and that special dish is popiah. Just in case you don't know what a popiah is, it's basically a Chinese fresh spring roll. 

She has been wanting to make popiah for the past 2 weeks now, but we couldn't get our hands on jicama, which is the main ingredient of the popiah. Well, we finally managed to get one at the supermarket the other day, and so, popiah it was for lunch.

I on the other hand have never like popiah. I'm the world's most fussiest person when it comes to food. In fact, I've known this for the longest time now and that is the fact that I have really weird eating habits. But I'll leave that for another day. 

Here's how I have my popiah.

I have it like a crepe and it basically has everything else, except for the main ingredient, jicama. Oh oh, and I refuse to eat the default paper like popiah skin. My granny or mother would also prepare the egg skin. 

So yes, moral of the story - I don't like popiah.


As for our next drama, we decided to watch Park Hyung Sik, our new eye candy. Strong girl Bong Soon is what we're going to watch. 

Total cases: 528 ( 10 in the community ). 

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