Circuit breaker: Day 1.

April 07, 2020
Today marks day 1 of our month long circuit breaker. It's somewhat of a lock down, but it's not a full lock down. Basically, you can still make your way to the supermarket to get your groceries, walk your dog or go for a jog, but don't go out unnecessarily. Also, if you do step out of your home, it has become compulsory to wear a mask at all times.

They have also stopped all diners from dining in and this includes everything from hawker centers to restaurants. They will all however remain open for take-away.

The other bummer for this circuit breaker as well, is that as long as you don't live in the same household, you won't be able to see each other until the the circuit breaker has ended. It could be anyone from your grand-parents to parents as well as your boyfriend or girlfriend, as long as you don't live together, it has actually become forbidden. Sadly, this means that I won't be seeing my dad for a month, but somehow, my gut feelings tells me that this circuit breaker is going to be extended.

It's okay my friends, we can all get through this. To be fairly honest, I think that we have it pretty good.

So anyways, I had a craving for 豚の生姜焼き ( buta no shogayaki ), which is stir fried ginger pork. The thing is, we only had shabu shabu pork slices in the freezer and it was basically not the right cut for this particular dish, but hey, in tough times like this, we just have to make do right ?

To keep ourselves entertained, we have turned to Korean dramas. There is plenty on Netflix, so we don't have to worry about running out of dramas before the circuit breaker ends, even if it gets extended as well.

We have been watching a few dramas before this and have recently taken a liking to Park Seo Jun. Isn't he the cutest ? So yes, we kicked off day 1 of the circuit breaker with She was pretty.

Apart from that, shall I tell you how we spent an hour feeding mosquitoes at the mall downstairs ? Well, you see, we tried going to the supermarket a few times prior to this, but each time we went, the queue was horrendous and we weren't prepared to join the queue. We thought, since it was day 1 of the circuit breaker, that it shouldn't be too bad. Honestly, we were right. It wasn't a ghost town, but it wasn't crowded either. So we proceeded to do our grocery shopping for about a week, which actually makes sense as this is what the whole circuit breaker is about isn't it ? Just staying home and riding it out. To our horror, as we were exiting the building, it was raining. We never thought that we'd end up waiting 1 hour for the rain to stop. Sighface.

So yes, note to myself, carry an umbrella on my every trip to the supermarket. Standing there for an hour was torture, but being the buffet to them mosquitoes sure wasn't fun.

Total cases: 106.

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