Taipei - Day 3.

December 11, 2017

I can't believe that we're already in the midst of our holiday. Why does time always pass so quickly when you're having a good time ? I've said this before and I'll say it again, someone needs to invent a remote control with a pause button for life.

We kick started the day off with lunch. My brother asked me what I would like to have for lunch and I just told him anything would be fine, when in actual fact, I did have something in mind. And you know, my brother being all awesome had read my mind. He actually knew I wanted to have lunch at the same Chinese restaurant we went to yesterday. That and the fact that he enjoyed it as much as I did yesterday to actually want to go back to the same place.

We did of course try other dishes today, but one dish remained the same and that had to be my favorite duck's blood.

I could eat here everyday for the rest of my life is I was give a choice. It is just that good.

With Christmas just round the corner, I just couldn't resist taking a photo with the decorations just outside the mall.

Well, part of it anyway.

Can you guess where we went to after lunch ?

If you said Ximending, then you got it right. We went back there for more shopping and more arcade time.

I just had to tell Jovin "I told you so". Why you ask ? Well, when we were choosing our accommodation, I did say to him we could stay at Ximending, but he seemed more keen on staying near Taipei 101 as he had lived there for about a year when he was living here back in the day. And it's safe to say, he has regretted his decision as we have spent the past 3 days at Ximending. Teehee.

Came evening time, we met up with my friend Rex, his wife Evelyn and his 2 beautiful daughters. He took us to a newly opened mall on the outskirts of Taipei. Unfortunately, we went a little bit late and all the shops were pretty much closing. If I had known that his eldest daughter wanted to go there to play at the children's arcade, I would have suggested meeting earlier. This is exactly what a chicken and duck conversation gets you.

**Note to self : Need to improve on my mandarin.

Moving forward, we managed to get Tong tong one go at the go kart before they were done for the day. She wanted to go on it by herself, but as she was too young, her father had to accompany her. As Evelyn and Jovin were busy taking photos, I was on baby sitting duty.

They were really surprised when Lele let me carry her, because apparently, she is really picky on who can carry her. I feel special. ^w^

We managed to spend about a good 20 minutes at the arcade before closing. Jovin was very determined to get the girls a toy each and he managed to do so as well.

As for me, I have no skill nor luck with them machines, so I decided to spend some time with Godzilla.

We dropped Evelyn and their 2 children back home so that she could put them both to sleep before reuniting with us for supper.

So with time to burn, we went for our long awaited massage. With all this excessive walking these past few days, I really needed one. It used to be a want, now, it was a need. It lasted an hour but boy did I feel refreshed. I'm not saying that I can run a marathon now, but it did indeed help relief the pain I was experiencing.

The one and only thing that I was really looking forward to the whole day had finally come. It was time for steamboat. It was meant to be dinner which turned into supper. It was about one in the morning when we got there and I don't normally eat after 6pm, but to be fairly honest with you, I just couldn't care less. All I wanted was my free flow of duck's blood and the big intestine. I would probably regret my decision later on in the morning as I know that I would suffer from indigestion from eating so late, or should I say early in the morning, but I just couldn't resist it.

Do you know what shocked me most though ? The fact that at 2am in the morning, the restaurant was full.

Apart from visiting the night markets here in Taiwan and having the street food, the other definite must have, in my point of view, is the hot pot. You need to have it at least once on your vacation here.

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