Goodbye 2022.

December 31, 2022
Is it that time of the year already?

My my, where did all that time go?

So, we've come a long way since the start of the pandemic. The same time last year, I asked when would we go back to normal and when can we stop wearing masks. I mean, the corona virus still exists, but it's just something that we live with now. 

2022 has been nothing but awesome! 

Rewinding 2022.

Reunion dinners have become awesome, because ever since my mother moved back from the UK for good, we've been having reunion dinners together and I am just so grateful for that.

Chinese new year also feels more complete with my mother around, even though we don't do very much. We did however, had a mother and me outfit for cny this year.

Y'all might not know this, but I stayed single for 6 years. Somehow, I just developed a phobia for men and thought I'd be better off being single and I was seriously prepared to just grow old and die alone. But God was kind to me and he let me find the love of my life. Well, technically, 22 years ago, he gave us a taster. Teehee. Geraint was actually my first love, but then I moved to the UK and we lost contact. And yes, fast forward many years later, we found each other again. 

And together, we have done lots and lots of eating.

Oh, and somehow, even with all that eating, I managed to drop to 41.6kg, but that didn't last very long. 

We've also been playing mahjong nearly every weekend and this was the most sickest set of cards I gamed with this year.

Eating aside, I'm also very grateful I got to spend time with my family and friends. Probably not as much as I would like, but every moment counts.

I don't know how many more good years I have remaining with my baby boy, but we managed to celebrate his 13th birthday this year as well. 

Oh, and we have 3 new additions to the family as well. Meet Yoyo, Coco and Wawa!

We suffered for a little bit when November/December came. But I'm so glad it's all over and we're pretty much settled down now. 

But the best time of the year for me, was my birthday and it's all thanks to my boyfriend.

And with that, we bid farewell to 2022. 

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