Tambuah mas.

December 09, 2022

Originally, we wanted to have some yakiniku and we saw that there was a Tajiyama at Great world city. We called in to check if the buffet was available and they said yes, till 830pm. So we rushed down and made it there at about 820ish. So we were brought to our table and we told them that we wanted the buffet and then she walks off and comes back with a friend and we were told that the buffet was only available till 8pm. Well, we didn't quite understand what was going on. It's not like we didn't call in the check. What was the whole point of that? To trick us into coming down to have ala carte instead? Pfffffft. Feeling annoyed, we left. 

Is it me or are f&b outlets closing earlier and earlier? Like I don't remember restaurants closing this early. 

So anyways, with that it mind, we just settled for the next nearest restaurant - Tambuah mas. I quite fancy their tahu telur anyway, so I was good with that. 

Well, not yakiniku, but here's what we had for dinner.

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