
January 01, 2023
Happy new year!

New year, new set of resolutions. 

But first, see how I did with last year’s resolution.

☆ Continue spending quality time with my family, because life is short!

Well, this is a definite check!

 Meet up with my friends more often.

Due to everyone’s busy schedule, I didn’t get to see them much, but I’m still grateful for the time that we set aside for each other. 

☆ Try to lose some weight. I definitely do not want to be 44kg!

So, throughout the year, I averaged about 43kg, so I guess I managed to shed off 1kg? Does that count as a pass? Teehee.

☆  Continue to keep fit.

Big fat fail! I completely stopped exercising. But does walking 14,000-20,000 6 days a week count as exercise? I was definitely doing somewhere between that range towards the end of the year. 

☆ Get rid of my nicotine gum addiction (will I finally be able to get off it this year?).

This was another failed attempt, but like seriously, I need to kick this bad habit of mine. 

☆ Take some lessons (personal goal of mine).

Lessons? What lessons? Does remembering where each and every single item out of 3000 items at the warehouse count?

☆  Take things easy.

One things for sure, I tend to get quite panicky at the slightest thing. I guess this is more of my characteristic more than anything. But I’m sure I’m doing better these days.

Well, even though my new year resolutions are pretty much the same every year, I’m still going to do it!

Be a better girlfriend.

☆ Spend quality time with my family.

 Make time for my friends.

☆ Hit my target of 42kg.

☆ Get rid of my nicotine gum addiction (will this year finally be the year?)

☆  Enjoy life.

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