Por kee.

December 20, 2022
So today, the lovely people took us out to Por kee to celebrate my mother's birthday and mine. 

What's lovely people you ask? 

Well, we have a group chat that consists of uncle Kee chye, aunty Florence, uncle Henry, aunty Pearly, uncle Andrew, my mother and myself. And this was ages ago, but we were all at uncle Andrew's house one day and were brain storming on what to name the group chat and I randomly shouted "lovely people" and so now, I call them the lovely people. Teehee.

We ended work slightly later than usual today. Work comes first right? Got to complete all them orders! We told them to start first, whilst we try our best to get there as soon as we could. But guys, our warehouse is located at Tuas south. How fast could we possibly be? Well, we finally made it there and they were really sweet and waited for us. We did feel bad though. 

Here's our mini feast!

And just take a look at the pretty cake they got for us.

 Thank you all! 

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