Day 6 - Phuket.

January 12, 2019

Well, we had another day here in Phuket, but I still wasn't feeling all that well to be honest.

I slept pretty much all throughout yesterday as soon as we got back onto the ship, bar waking up just to wash up.

They tried waking me up to join them for breakfast this morning as well, but I wasn't really feeling up for it.

But here's a photo of the beautiful sunrise that my mother captured this morning.

I finally decided to drag my sorry ass out of bed and had lunch with my mother and granny.

Today was actually the first time that we had lunch on board.

You know what I have just realized though ? I haven't actually had anything to eat for nearly 36 hours.

But I figured, if I wanted to get better, I should start by eating.

After eating, I went back to the room to sleep. I still wasn't feeling too good, but on the bright side, the vomiting had stopped.

By the time I woke up, it was time for dinner.

I went for the smoked salmon for my entree.

As for my main, I know I shouldn't have, but I just couldn't resist the lobster thermidor.

As for dessert, I just had some fancy napoleon ice cream.

After dinner, we quickly ran up to the observatory deck for one purpose only - To catch the setting sun.

Goodbye Phuket, till we meet again.

Tonight's surprise.

My mother actually let out a scream as soon as she walked in. It's so cute, I don't understand how this could have caused a shock to her.

Well, I think it's bed time for me.

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