Back in Singapore.

January 14, 2019

Looking back on the recent weeks leading up to the cruise, makes me want to laugh at myself. I was excited because it has been more than a year since our last family trip to Taiwan, but at the same time, I was panic mode because I knew that I had suffered from sea sickness, well, motion sickness to be exact. And trust me, it isn't pleasant.

One week on, after spending 8 days on board a cruise, I realized how much I actually loved it. I love the fact that you go to bed and wake up at a new destination. I love how much you get to eat and we all know I live to eat. And I specially love the fact that I get to spend uninterrupted time with both my granny and my mother.

Well, it has been a really good week apart from the stomach flu which randomly attacked me a few days ago, but that aside, I'm so looking forward to our next cruise.

Here's our last breakfast on board.

And with that, one week has gone by.

Hello Singapore.

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