And the lohei continues..

March 01, 2018
With it still being the Chinese new year, we had yet another lohei session with Aunty Jo, Aunty Judy and gang. 

Today's lunch was at Din tai fung, which happens to be one of my favorite restaurants. Just in case you didn't know, I just can't resist xiao long baos. They're like my number one. 

Here's what we had.

I'm always such a happy girl after having visited Din tai fung. Teehee.

With just less than 3 days left, we spent the day running errands. Time always seems to fly past each time my mum visits. 3 weeks sure isn't enough. T.T

So anyways, we met the lovely people and had a Penang buffet dinner. My mum and I had it once when they were located at One-north. I'm too sure if it is the same restaurant, but it sure was way better when we first had it. Their selection was definitely wider as well, back in the day. 

Well, I'm off the bed now. All this excessive eating is causing food coma and all I want to do all day long is sleep, which I am obviously deprived of. 

That's all for today folks.

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