The last day of Chinese new year.

March 02, 2018

It is the 15th day, as well as the last day of Chinese new year, which is why we ended up having vegetarian for our lunch appo with two of my mother's ex colleagues from her JTB days.

We had Japanese vegetarian food. Amusing huh ?

Unfortunately, it didn't taste as good as it looks.

I have nothing against vegetarian food, in fact, I actually quite like it, but I didn't quite enjoy this one.

I, for one, love my Japanese curry and thought that I couldn't go wrong with it. Instead, it was more like Indian curry if anything. But on the bright side, I had my favorite udon. I don't know what it is with udon and me, but I could eat it everyday for the rest of my life if you fed me it.

Apart from visiting Aunty Peggy, who is also here on holiday from the UK, we didn't do very much. We decided to go home and spend some time with my grand-mother as my mother will be leaving tomorrow.

My grand-mother prepared dinner today. It has been a yearly tradition that she cooks on the last day of Chinese new year. My mum and I had wanted to get a set of lohei but we completely forgot about it until we all sat down at the dinner table. Boo hoo.

And we were expecting our favorite spinach with abalone, but there was none this year as my granny had forgotten about it. Boo hoo x2.

So yes, dinner was just buah keluak and pig stomach soup. But who's complaining when all I really needed was my buah keluak. ^w^

And so, that sums up my last day of Chinese new year 2k18.

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