Amy's surprise birthday bash.

7 years ago

Happy birthday Amy !

Today's surprise party was held a Level up. It was my first time there and I found it pretty cool. It's this drinking place with a few arcade machines, a dart's corner and they also had drinking games.

After we ended work, we all pretended to go our separate ways and then we all rushed down to Clarke Quay as fast as we could.

We took camp at the corner that we were given and we had a good hour and a bit to goof around before the birthday girl arrived.

I even managed to sneak in a round of outrun as well as a game of bishi bashi. I'm so bad at bishi bashi but I really like it. You know what though ? This game has made me realized that I have really bad reactions. ^w^

So yes, the birthday girl arrived at about half past 8 and the party began.

We had the cake cutting, present giving and beer pong session.

It sure was lots of fun.

I hope you were genuinely surprised and had a great birthday Amy. 

And I leave you with the mandatory group shots.

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