Alliance Group - Kindness day.

March 24, 2018

So, every quarterly, Alliance group will have an event day planned, where the entire company will get together on that day.

For the first quarter of the year, it was 'kindness day', which is other words, charity day.

Our place of volunteering today was at willing hearts. Willing hearts is run by volunteers with only a handful of staff. It is actually a soup kitchen that prepares, cooks and donates food island wide every single day of the year to the elderly, low income families and to people who need it, basically.

As our company is too big, we had to be split into 2 shifts - The AM and the PM.

The AM crew.

The PM crew.

Well, I would have loved to have made some samosas or even help pack the food, but nope, we were either made to pluck vegetables or descale the fish, so I'm sure you can guess where I ended up. Teehee. Nonetheless, it felt good to be giving for once, despite melting from the extremely hot weather.

Great job guys !

And I was rewarded with rojak and a bowl of awesome handmade noodles after.

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