Out all day.

September 07, 2016

So I thought I was going to accompany my mother to a lunch appo and then be heading home after, but I was oh so wrong.

Today's lunch appointment was with Aunty Sandy, Aunty Alice & Uncle Joey at Din tai fung.

The amount of food that we had was pretty scary to be honest.

Here they are.

You'd be pleased to know, there weren't any leftovers ! *\o/*

After lunch, Uncle Joey had to go back to work and the rest of us went on and had coffee. We had 2 cakes to share as well.

Just can't resist that sweet temptation.

So I thought that we would head home after coffee. Well, that didn't happen. The 2 aunties suddenly said that they wanted to drink wine and so up to Brozeit we went. 

We had such a great time ! Thank you for the the awesome company.

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