East coast park.

September 11, 2016
Pokemon GO @ East coast park.

Note to self : Never go to East coast park on a public holiday eve.

So today, we had planned to go to East coast park for dinner as well as take a walk after, together with Fufu. We left the house at about half past 6 thinking that it would be alright. We were so wrong ! You should have seen the horrendous queue for turning into East coast park. It took us about 15 minutes to get into the slip road and then another 15 minutes wait for a parking space.

I was already starving by then seeing as my usual dinner time was 6pm. Ecstatic that we got ourselves a parking space, we walked into the food center. We have never had to queue for a table at the food center before, but today was a first. First time for everything right ? It was fully packed ! I think we waited for 30-45 minutes just to get a table !

When we finally got our seats, we placed our orders and then had to wait about 20 minutes for it to be served. Bleah !

Well, here's what we had.

And that is why, you should never go to East coast park on a public holiday eve.

After we were done eating, we finally went on our walk / pokemon hunting. We took quite a long walk today, taking into consideration how late we ate as well as how much calories we took in. Don't think we burnt much, but a little bit is better than none !

We finally retired at the jetty where we were all fascinated with squid catching. It was really interesting as well as exciting, even though we weren't the ones catching them.

Well, the toilet is free and I should probably go take my shower now.

Good night friends !

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