Spring cleaning.

January 19, 2014
What a day !

As you all know, Chinese new year is just around the corner. This is the time where everyone would start cleaning every inch of the house making sure it is spick and span. And in some dramatic cases, they would repaint their homes. And that's exactly what I did today, not repaint the house but clean, clean and clean !

For today's spring cleaning itinerary, I would be cleaning out my entire wardrobe.  

So you know how each of you have some knickers or t-shirts or any pieces of clothing that we all like ? Even though they've become tattered and torn ? Well, I have way too many of those. They're mostly gaming t-shirts I got from previous events that I wear as home tees now, but I just can't bear to get rid of them. Each year, I tell myself that I really need to throw them away, but I never do. Well, I finally decided to part with them this year. 

Also, every 6 months or whenever I feel like it, I'd go through my clothes to see if there are any that I do not wear anymore, haven't worn in a long time, whether they still fit me and what not, and if there are clothes that I do not want anymore ( they're all in tip top condition ), I donate them to church. You'd be surprised at the clothes that I give away. Most of them I have only worn once and some of them still have their tag attached ! This is called having bad eyes, buying things that you don't need ! That is one bad habit that I need to shake off.

Apart from clothes, I managed to bring myself to give away some of my bags as well. As the saying goes, a woman can never have too many shoes and bags, but seriously, I had too many and I realised that I haven't used them for 2 years or more and they were just sat in my wardrobe. I thought that someone out there needed it more than I did. 

Anyways, we managed to wipe down the entire wardrobe. Sometimes I really wonder where all that dust comes from. The only windows that are opened in my house are the 2 bathrooms, the kitchen and the balcony sliding door. And my wardrobe is closed 24/7 and are only opened when I want something out of it. If only I could make money selling dust, I'd be a millionaire !

So here's today's outcome.

I know it doesn't look like much, but trust me, it was loads ! I folded and rolled up the pieces of clothings and packed them into various plastic bags. I reckon there must be at least 20 or more pieces in each bag ! 

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