
January 01, 2022

Happy new year everyone!

Where did 2021 go to?

Am I going to wake up tomorrow to Christmas day? 

Well, before I make a new set of New year's resolution, let's see how I did with last year's resolutions.

☆ Continue spending quality time with my family, with or without being confined at home. 

100% pass! 

☆ Catch up with old friends.

I did manage to meet a few old faces, but I could have made more effort I reckon.

☆ Hit 41kg, well, because shedding 2kg seems impossible at this point in life. 

Now this was an epic fail. Not only did I not hit 41kg, I actually hit 44kg. WHAT? Well, I started exercising a lot more and put on muscle weight. All my clothes still fit me and some even become loose, but still, I must admit that it was quite depressing looking at the weighing machine, even though I know muscle weighs heavier than fats.

☆ Keep fit.

110% pass!

☆ Get rid of my nicotine gum addiction. 

Nope, still chewing away.

☆ Enjoy life. 

Well, I reckon I could still do without stressing over minor things, but we'll get there some day!

I guess I didn't do that bad huh? I could have done better, but hey, at least I know I tried my best.

Well, even though my New year's resolutions are more or less the same every year, I shall still set them!


☆ Continue spending quality time with my family, because life is short!

 Meet up with my friends more often.

☆ Try to lose some weight. I definitely do not want to be 44kg!

☆  Continue to keep fit.

☆ Get rid of my nicotine gum addiction (will I finally be able to get off it this year?).

Take some lessons (personal goal of mine).

☆  Take things easy.

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