
January 06, 2022
I keep telling myself not to panic, but it just doesn't seem to work. From the moment I received the invitation to get my booster jab in December, I have been feeling uneasy. I didn't book an appointment immediately, as deep down, I knew I wanted to delay it for as long as I possibly could. Well, there's fear and there was also a whole load of ongoing celebrations in December as well. So I just had to clear my schedule in case of down time. 

Well, so far so good. But instead of a week of no strenuous exercise, it's been increased to 2 weeks. And also, it used to be a 30 minute monitoring period after the jab, but it's now down to 15 minutes. 

Apart from the almost instant arm swelling, I think I'm still good and I hope it stays this way!

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