Kanto pokemon day!

February 20, 2021

After nearly 5 years of playing Pokemon go, I finally experienced my first event - Pokemon go tour: Kanto!

And who better to play it with, then my Pokemon go buddy, Ck!

We chose to go to Vivocity to play and so did tons of other fellow Pokemon go players! I mean, afterall, with 3 gyms and never ending poke stops, all in the comfort of air-conditioning, who would complain ey? We must have walked around the whole mall at least 100 times, well, I'm probably exaggerating here, but seriously, that's the way my legs felt by the end of the day. 

We even had to make a pit stop because lazy me just wanted to sit down and also because I was so thirsty. I had a cold royal milk tea to begin with and just so you know, I downed that in less than 2 minutes. I had a yuzu tea after and that was really good. Seeing as I'm not able to take dairy at the moment, which is really hard for me, yuzu tea seems like a fairly good choice. I really enjoyed them fries with the mentaiko mayo too!

After that pit stop, we continued circling the mall once again in hopes of getting a shiny. I did get a few shinys today, such as ditto and kabuto which I was really happy with, but I'm really upset with myself. Shiny hitmonlee actually presented himself to me and what did I do? I let it run. SIGH. I'm still feeling really sour about it. 

Well, then came dinner time and even though I don't eat dinner, all that walking must have made me hungry and the fact that we must have walked past the Thai boat noodle restaurant like a 100 times didn't help either, as I've never tried the Thai boat noodle before.

So guess what? I finally had some today!

I wasn't too sure what I was ordering, so I ordered one for starters and it was so darn good that I had another 4 bowls after that. 

And before you judge, here's my hand for comparison.

Basically, you could finish it in one mouth if you wanted to. 

All in all, it was really fun if you ask me. Oh, and also good exercise, considering the fact that I walk less than 500 steps everyday! Teehee.

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