Day 3 - Bangkok.

January 12, 2020


Oh my gosh.

You have absolutely no idea how happy I was when I saw land this morning, after being on sea for the past 2 days.

It was becoming extremely torturous for me. For most of the day, I walk as though I was drunk and I could feel the rocking as I was trying to go to sleep. It was just getting a bit much for me.

So, you can only imagine how excited I was to get off the ship and spending one night in Bangkok despite dreading the 2 hour drive into Bangkok itself.

But first, brunch.

Looks familiar ?

It's a buffet spread and yet I ended up picking the exact same things. You know what though ? It's not even that good, but I didn't really feel like eating anyway. I am however, in love with the corned beef hash. I'd never say no to that.

Despite having arrived at the dock in the morning, we couldn't disembark till nearly 130pm. HOW BAD IS THAT ! Not including the extra hour it took at the immigration as well.

By the time we cleared customs, it was nearly half past 2.

After finding our driving and setting off, we finally made it to Bangkok at about half past 4, where we checked into Centara grand.

Here's the lovely view from our hotel room.

As we were going to meet my mother's friend for dinner at 7pm, we only had 2 hours to shop. We quickly legged it to Centralworld. Yes my friends. We're at shoppers paradise with only 2 hours to do so. Sad huh ?

Quick question though. As we were shopping at Centralworld, we came across a fan meeting. Anyone know who this is ?

So anyways, at the end of 2 hours, I think we did pretty well. We got everything we came for. From Naraya to instant noodles, mission is accomplished.

Next up, dinner.

How can you visit Thailand and not have authentic Thai food ? Not forgetting cha yen of course. That's a definite must.

That's another tick of my list.

So, my mum's friend wanted to take us to have a drink after, but we both knew that my grand-mother was tired and wanted to go back to the hotel and so we thought that was the end of our night.

However, as we said our goodbyes and she was about to drive off, I told my mum that I really wanted to go and she shared the same view, so my mum stopped her friend from leaving and I ran to my granny to get permission and permission was granted, and that's how we ended up at King power Mahanakon.

I mean like, how often are we in Bangkok right ?

You know what's funny ?

I've never been afraid of heights. I can look down any building with no problems. But this was a whole new level. It was a skywalk which I was looking forward to. But as soon as I was standing on the steps leading down to the skywalk, fear took over.

Standing over a glass panel, looking straight down 78th stories, my legs just wouldn't take it. They became jelly.

However, I did really want to take a photo, so to start with, I walked the concrete block on the side to get over.

It took me several attempts to try and walk back via the glass panel, but I managed to do it at the end. The trick is not to look down. As soon as I looked down, my legs just wouldn't move. All I had to do was look at my mother whilst walking back and it was manageable !


I'm so glad we did it !

And this are the night lights of Bangkok.

Thank you Aunty Wanvipa, for the extremely enjoyable evening. 

I don't know what I am still doing up as I need to be up by 5am.

Goodnight from Bangkok xxx

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