
May 25, 2016

I have been waiting all this while for X-men to be released and I finally got to watch it today.

I absolutely love watching movies at gold class, especially in the afternoons on weekdays because there is literally no crowd. The mall is also less crowded at those times of the day. So friends, if you're like me and dislike crowds, you could check out 'Gold class'. It's pretty dope.

But before my date with the x-men, I had to fill my tummy. I had this craving for beef noodles and so, off to LeNu I went.

Their noodles are pretty delish and I highly recommend this place if you love your beef noodles

You can find them at :

LeNu Taiwanese beef noodles
1 Habourfront Walk 
Singapore 098585

So finally it was time for my date with the x-men.

I shall only tell you how exciting it was. The rest is for you to find out.

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