Captain America.

May 10, 2016

Captain America.

I had a date with Captain America today. I have been anticipating it for the longest time now and I finally got to watch it today.

But first, lunch - Shin Kushiya.

It was my first visit to Shin Kushiya and I love it. I'm in love with the mentai yaki onigiri !

Interested ?

Here's the address :

Shin Kushiya
1 Habourfront Walk
Singapore 098585

So finally, it was time for my date with the cap.

I have gotten so used to watching movies at gold class or cathay platinum that I literally go to either for every single movie now. Today, I chose to go to the gold class @ vivocity.

Just check out how chilled out I am with a nice warm blanket to keep warm throughout the film.

Now you can see why I always choose to watch movies there right ?

Before I even watched the movie, I heard quite a number of people say how bad the movie was and how lame the story line was, but I've never been one to listen to people. I'm the sort that has to go see for myself and guess what ? I really enjoyed the movie.

I managed to do some groceries shopping at giant before heading over to MBS to collect my long overdue strap. I went to have the strap altered you see and I was told 4 to 6 weeks, but I ended up waiting for 2 months ! .______________.' Oh wells, at least I finally got it !

Well, before I went home, I had some of my favorite xiao long baos.

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