Poulet take-away.

May 07, 2016
I am in love with my dairy products. I just can't seem to get enough of it. But saying that, I have never fancied creamy pasta. Don't ask me why, I just don't. The same goes for chicken, I just don't have the love for creamy chicken and so, if you are like me, this slow cooked chicken dish from Poulet, is perfect for you.

It still tastes as good when you doggy bag it, so you don't have to worry about anything ! If you love French onion soup, you should get one as well. It's pretty good.

So just a while ago, I made a trip to the toilet and randomly went and had a look at my hair growth, Our wedding is not too far away you see and I'm not keen on getting married with short hair and guess what ? I found my first ever white hair.

Oh my days !

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