Family day.

June 30, 2012
It's been ages since I've last spent time with my father and so, I decided that I'd go have dinner with them today.

I asked Yu-chan if there was anything special he'd like for dinner. He suggested waraku, so waraku it was. But seeing as it was still early, but father decided to give my car a shower. Just look at how clean he is now ! ありがとう パ ! 

I had originally planned to take my father, my step-mum and my brother out for dinner, but my step-mother went into JB for the day, so it was just the 3 of us. We headed out at about 730ish. To our horror, the waraku located at katong had closed down. And the funny thing was that, I was just telling my father how waraku is closing down their outlets one by one. Oh wells. Waraku was one of my favorite place to dine in as well.

We were feeling really lost, so we decided to see if there was anything at 112 Katong which was located just beside where we were. Yu-chan was still really keen on having Japanese cuisine. So we decided that we'd settle for sakae sushi. We queue-ed for a little while, and when we finally got our seats, we decided to try the steamboat buffet upstairs instead. The restaurant is called sukiya. It's a buffet style steamboat and they offer miso base, shabu-shabu base, sukiyaki base and kimuchi based soup. We had to wait for quite a while as there was quite a lot of people. So whilst waiting, we were watching the video of this chef explaining how to cook sukiyaki and shabu-shabu. The chef did a little introduction of himself before explaining, and after the video repeated quite a few times, my dad goes "that's my friend !". So anyways, I actually quite enjoyed my meal and so did my dad and Yu-chan. Yu-chan had so much to eat ! I'd prolly frequent that place more often if it weren't location at katong.

After dinner, I decided I'd stay at their place for a little while just so that I could say hi to my step-mum. So I spent my time there playing with Princess & Baby.

She finally came back about 30 minutes later. I then left for home at about half 11. I went home via PIE-CTE route and called them 10 minutes later to inform them that I had arrived safely at home. She actually got a shock when I called her, because she couldn't believe how fast it took me to get home.


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