Full body checkup.

June 13, 2012
I had an appointment with the doctor for a full body check-up. I was so not looking forward to this day. I'm not very good with needles you see. I walked into the consultation room filled with fear as the night before, I was talking to my mother and she scared me by telling me how her veins were hard to find and they ended up poking her about 4 times in different areas of her arms to try and find a vein. I honestly didn't fancy getting poked one time, let alone 4. So the doctor tried to calm me down and he told me to look the other way. As soon as I looked the other way, he jabbed my arm. I'm not even exaggerating when I say he held it there for the next 5 minutes. He explained that it took so long because I was skinny and had difficulties drawing blood from that one area, and because he knew I was afraid of getting jabbed more than once, he just decided to hold it there. By then end of it, he had 3 test tubes of my blood. My arms, they were dead and there was this awkward pain that I don't even know how to describe. It just didn't feel right. But I bared with the pain and continued with the ECG. Spent about 10 minutes doing the ECG. Once it was over, I made payment and was told to bring my pee and stool sample within the next week.

Oh dear, so not in the mood for work today. I honestly just want to sleep the pain away. You know, even flushing the toilet makes my arms hurt. How retarded is that ? Oh wells, I must leave for work right this instant.

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