Praise the Lord.

July 02, 2012
Today was my dreaded appointment day, to visit the nose specialist at Mount Elizabeth hospital. I told my grand-mother the night before that I didn't fancy driving into Orchard road seeing as it is crowded all day long and besides, I don't really have the confidence to park in between cars either. So we ended up taking a taxi there. Frankly speaking, I was kind of dreading the appointment as my GP mentioned that there would be some discomfort when the specialist sticks the cam tube up my nose.

Got there at about 1015am and registered with them and then we waited for a little while before it was my turn. Finally, it was my turn. I was feeling really nervous when they called out my name. I just really wanted it over and done with. So he asked me a few questions and then proceeded to pre-spraying my nose before shoving the cam tube up my nose. It was really terrifying as there was a TV showing the inside of my nose. I just glanced once and then closed my eyes for the remaining few seconds after seeing a whole load of lumps in my nose. What took 30 seconds felt like 30 minutes because it was just pure uncomfortable. After he was done, he told me that for now, I'm safe from cancer and that I have an allergy of some kind, which explains the lumps. So apart from having to spray this shitty nasal spray 3 times a day daily, I'm fine for the next 6 months till my next appointment. Thank you Lord.

And here's a yoguru to celebrate.

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