Papa day !

March 15, 2016

I thought I'd give Ishkar a go before my dad came over and guess what ? I saw someone who had exactly the same transmog as me. I don't feel special anymore ! T.T

So I really wanted to go to daiso to grab a few things today and so off to Plaza Singapura we went. Can you guess what we had for lunch ? Well, we had lunch at Hoshino coffee. I think it's safe to say, it's my dad's favorite coffee place now. He keeps raving about how their coffee tastes exactly like coffee in Japan. So guys, do check it out if you haven't already been.

The other day, when we went to celebrate Ee meing's birthday, them lot were playing with an app called MSQRD and we had a good laugh. So today, whilst waiting for our food, I decided to annoy my dad.

And I wasn't feeling all that hungry, so we shared a portion of curry baked rice and a pancake souffle.

The other reason was because we were saving our tummy space for Hai di lao tonight.

After our visit to daiso, we headed back home and I continued playing with the app.

Did you know that they had the face swap function as well ? Well, we tried it earlier and we all laughed till we teared.

In case you missed it, the app is called MSQRD. It's jokes !

Well, here we are now at Hai di lao and we're just about to tuck in. Remember guys, if you want to avoid the queue here at hdl, you need to try and get here by 6pm. Once you've passed that timing, be prepared for a 2 hour wait.

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