Konnyaku and konbu soup.

January 23, 2016

So if you're looking to lose some weight, what better way then to lose some weight with eating konnyaku. Konnyaku has close to no calories and it has no fat at all. The wonderful thing about konnyaku is the fact that it makes you full. It is also full of dietary fibre.

Would you like to know more about it's health benefits ?

Well, it helps prevent bowel cancer as well as haemorrhoids. It also neutralizes the level of sugar in the blood which will help prevent diabetes. Also, if you already have high blood pressure, consuming konnyaku can help lower your blood pressure as well as keep watch on your cholesterol.

Sad thing is, it was my first time cooking konnyaku and although I followed my mother's instruction and boiled it to remove the fishy smell that came with it, the smell was still there. Hopefully my next attempt will be better.

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