Jack's place.

December 08, 2015

So for the past few weeks, my dad has actually been bugging me to take him to Jack's place and we finally went today. We were supposed to go last week, but my granny joined us for lunch and she's not to keen on meat in general, so yeah.

I ordered the rib eye steak as usual and had a bowl of lobster bisque as well.

If you're a fan of lobster bisque and you want a quick and cheap fix, you could try it. It's actually pretty decent.

And here's my steak.

Felt real sleepy after that heavy lunch. It's all my dad's fault.

We headed back home and I put on flight plan for him.

It's a 2005 film, but I still highly rate this movie. It's pretty good. Find means and ways to get your copy of this film if you haven't already watched it.

As it was still early, I turned on mio on demand and let my father choose a random horror movie. He then picked a film called futago and boy was it a waste of time. Until now, I have no idea what the movie was about and neither does my dad. .____.'

Well, we're off the the market at redhill to have our dinner now.

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