Salted egg yolk crabs.

December 11, 2015
I don't know about you lot, but I know I'm really weird.

Do you guys get cravings often ? Well, I know I do and it happens quite frequently. Wonder if I'm going to be a nightmare when I get pregnant. I cannot imagine craving for salted egg yolk crabs at 4am in the morning.

Well, you know how these days, pretty much every where you look on the social media, all the posts are well, food, food and more food ? I guess that's one way to begin a craving. But for me, I get affected just by seeing the word. Like for example, we were on world of warcraft today, when my guild master, Gate, came online and started telling us a story on how he caught some crabs and that he was having crabs for dinner. So yeah, that's how I got my dinner cravings.

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