Happy birthday Fufu !

April 03, 2014

So today was Fufu's birthday and he saved dinner for us. The venue was only confirmed this afternoon and so I tried to make a reservation for Standing sushi bar, but I was told that they were fully booked from 2 weeks ago. Our last resort was to go stand in queue with the the rest of the crowd.

I was contemplating the whole day on whether I should drive and I finally decided to drive and made Fufu go with me. He arrived at about 6pm and off we went. It wasn't really the ideal to drive as it was the peak hour, but we made it there in one piece. Arrived shortly after and we were all going to walk over to Standing sushi bar, when Shawna called us and said that the queue was ridiculously long and we had to change our location. Fufu made the call of going to TCC.

My brain had keyed in sashimi into it's system, so when I looked at the menu, my mind just couldn't register. I finally settled for a main. So anyways, here are photos of dinner.

And one with all of us.

So Shawna and I pretended that we were going for a quick smoke break, but in actual fact we wanted to surprise the chicken with a cake. We tried to buy it from the restaurant itself, but they didn't have a whole cake, so we quickly legged it down to the basement and we stopped at the first shop we saw - Chocolate origin.

And here comes the happy boy !

And of course with his Colosseum princesses !

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