A trip to the market.

March 27, 2014
So today, I woke up exceptionally early to accompany my grand-mother to the market.

We went to the market at Redhill. Each time I go there, I go with high hopes to park at the open space car park just behind the market so that it would be nearer for my grand-mother, but each time we pass by, the sign never fails to display FULL. So we just had to make do with the multi-story car park across the street. I guess it's not that bad as there is an elevator in the car park.

For breakfast today, I had carrot cake. My grandmother was appalled by the amount that I ate. I barely touched the plate and I felt as though I had over eaten. And no, it's not an eating disorder, I just don't have any appetite. I do eat, just not a lot !

We did some ingredient shopping before heading home.

I spent the rest of the afternoon catching up on the walking dead. I just watched one after another. It was just to exciting to stop and now I'm left with the last 2 episodes. I honestly hate the long wait till the new season.


Anyways, here's photos of dinner.

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