GE3 - Day 1.

December 27, 2013
It's the first time that we're organizing and running such a huge scale event. So I think it's safe to say that every single one of us were nervous. Each of us had different roles to play.

So Zac was in charge of the marketplace. It's basically where people come to buy gaming peripherals and dota2 merchandises. Whilst Pauline & I was guardians of the gold.

We had to report at half past 9 in the morning. After a short briefing from Zac, we all started setting up as the marketplace was scheduled to open at 11am.

Pauline & myself set up our little cashier corner and made our space comfortable. Little by little, the crowd started coming in. There were a few hiccups. One which we weren't pleased about. The receipt booklets would only arrive at 1pm. This meant that we had to manually record what we sold during the 2 hours on a blank piece of paper. How last minute can you get ? And as if that didn't piss us off enough, we were told to change the flow of our queue. Now please explain to me how it would make sense for customers to collect their items before making payment. I dread to think of the missing stocks at the end of this event. But it's okay, we're only your peons !

So anyways, Kaze bought me a dota 2 mircoplush blindbox as a belated birthday present.

And I was jumping for joy when I saw what I got. Just this morning, I said I wanted the death prophet and death prophet I got !

If only winning the lottery was this easy ey ?

You wouldn't believe it when I tell you how tiring being a cashier was. I mean we were sat the whole time, but somehow it just drained everything from the both of us. And it really didn't help that we were melting the entire day. It honestly felt like we were sat in a sauna. Sigh.

I'm so glad that day 1 is finally over. The only consolation ? Sales was great !

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