Mondo mio.

May 03, 2022
After yesterday’s disappointing dessert, my boyf took me to Mondo Mio at Robertson quay. 

Mondo Mio is actually pretty decent when it comes to Italian. 

After studying the menu for a bit, I had my heart set on gnocchi. But like most places, gnocchi is usually served with a four cheese sauce and I really love my gnocchi with bolognese. So we asked the waiter if it could be done and immediately was turned down with a hand signal referring to what we thought was no. But in actual fact, the one and only thing that I wanted out of that whole menu, which was gnocchi, was unavailable today. Boo hoo. I feel so lucky, not.

So, after studying the menu for a second time, it was between a pizza and lasagne. I ended up going for the pizza because then I knew my boyf would share it as well.

Here’s what we had.

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