First dose.

June 26, 2021

Ok, I'll be honest here. 

As much as I desperately wanted to be vaccinated and was waiting anxiously for my age group's turn, I have been dreading today, ever since I made my appointment. 

Let's face it. It's just natural for people to fear what the unknown. I mean like, we've been getting information on the possible side effects, but each and everyone of us are different, so it's a kind of lotto, which in this case, suffering from mild to none side effects would make you the big winner. Teehee.

So, the earliest possible date that was available, was actually for today. I wasn't actually too keen on today, seeing as it was a Saturday. But I just wanted to get my first dose as soon as I could, so we went for it. Bleah, I kind of wish I booked a weekday instead, but oh wells, it's done and dusted. 

And for those of you who hate needles and go into a panic mode like I do, I PROMISE YOU, I felt nothing. I honestly shat my pants continuously for 2 whole weeks for absolutely no reason at all. 

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! First dose done. Now, to not look forward to the second dose. 

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