Chikuwa tei.

March 08, 2017
So Andrew's exams are finally over and after weeks of cramming, he finally has time to meet us for lunch. Poor dude has been so stressed out !

Instead of our usual fried chicken lunch, we had Japanese cuisine today, yay !

Once upon a time, Chikuwa tei was my favorite restaurant. The standards has dropped tremendously. Even my favorite chef has left. I'm not sure what's going on with them, but I don't think I'll be going back there any time soon.

After lunch, we went to have home-made ice cream at Tom's palette. They actually let you have a taste before deciding which flavor to get. I tried strawberry cheesecake and black sesame and I couldn't decide. They were both equally fantastic. I hate it when I have 2 choices and can't make a decision.

Well, here's what I ended up with.

I best be off now. Raid starts in 15 minutes !

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