Corona virus: Day 3.

September 26, 2022
It’s now day 3 of poopy virus and I definitely feel way better than I did on day 1, but still poopy.

You know I’m ill when I’m not on Diablo immortal. I basically just take naps throughout the day and when I’m not napping, I’m just watching random shows on mewatch. 

As for food, it got worse. I realize that I completely lost my sense of taste. Now I’m worried because I love my food and now I can’t taste my food. I’ve heard horror stories on how some people never regained their sense of taste. Omg, will I become one of them? :(

So my mum made some of my favorite abacus seed and before leaving my room she said to me, I think today’s abacus seed is pretty good. I’m like, can’t taste anything bruh. Depression mode is on. 

I was however craving for a cheesecake. I don’t even know why or how. I can’t taste anything anyway, so why bother right? But I got one anyways, just to make myself happy. 

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