Sweet potato chips.

September 22, 2014

Recently, I watched a video on youtube which shows you how to make your own potato chips using a microwave. I then showed it to my grand-mother and she was rather interested as well.

So today, instead of using potatoes, we used sweet potatoes.

What you'll need :

-Sweet potatoes

1. Use a slicer to slice the sweet potato.

2. Lay it out on a sheet of baking paper.

3. Apply a as little oil as you possibly can onto the sweet potato, followed by the sprinkling of some salt and pepper ( according to your liking ).

Now here comes the tricky part.

The video said to put it for 5 minutes and this is what happened after 4 minutes.

So what I suggest is, you start out with 2 minutes and then add on by 30 seconds - 1 minute to avoid what happened to me.

And voila, perfect mircowaved sweet potato chips.

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