Out with the boys.

May 05, 2012

Today was yet again another one of the boys training day and seeing as I had nothing better to do, I decided to tag along.

Met up with Darien, Rhys & Jordan for a quick lunch at aston's before their training started. I had my usual black pepper chicken with onion rings and baked potato. The funniest thing was that I got an extra portion of mash potatos for free because they messed up my order, it obviously went to waste though.

After last weeks training, the boys decided to go back to mbox to play as some of them weren't used to the extremely large monitors but oh my gosh, the computers at mbox are all dying, they're stupidly laggy. So anyways, we all played till about 6ish and then David asked if we wanted to watch avengers and we all agreed.

But seeing as the movie was for 10pm and we had lots of time to spare, we decided to accompany Darien, who had wanted to go to marina bay sands to purchase a t-shirt from YSL. That crazy boy bought ended buying the t-shirt which plainly wrote YSL for $385. ._________________.' I salute him.

After that, we took a train to tiong bahru plaza and had dinner at the food court. Ended up eating yong tau foo as almost all the other stalls were packing up.

Finally, the long awaited moment arrived - Marvel's : The avengers. You have no idea how excited I was to watch this. It kinda sucked though as we watched it in 3D and some of us felt a little giddy half way through. But OH MY DAYS, the movie didn't disappoint. It was worth the wait. It's totally become my favorite movie of all times.

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