Helping out.

October 10, 2022
So, my boy and his business partner are in the e-commerce line and that means hundreds of packages need packing everyday.

All is well, except for the fact that 2 girls have recently tendered their resignation and that’s not good news. 

So, here’s me doing nothing everyday and I thought it’d be a good idea to go watch and learn from them before their one month notice is up.

I still remember asking Geraint if I could sit whilst packing and of course he said I could. But in reality, before the chair even got anywhere near me, I realized that it was impossible to sit and pack. Well, not impossible per se, just that you wouldn’t be as efficient as you would be standing up. So there goes my chair dream.

But all in all, it wasn’t too bad! 

Here are all the packages I packed today! Teehee.

Well, if any of you are looking for a job and don’t mind being a packet, do give me a shout! 

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